Art and Stephanie at Father's Day

Art and Stephanie at Father's Day

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10/22/14 PM

Dad was moved to the Renown Rehab Hospital yesterday.  He is getting occupational and physical therapy there so he can return to his normal life.  It is atticipated that he'll be there for about two weeks.  He can be visited from 9am-8pm.  Please sign in with the front desk.  He is in room 126.  He would enjoy a visit with you.  Here is a picture from today's visit

Mom is continuing to improve.  She is more alert and trying to vocalize (but can't) more and more.  She has been off the ventilator for over 24hrs as of about 3pm today.  Tomorrow they plan to fit her with a speak valve so she can talk!!  That will be so wonderful to hear!!!  She also spent time (about 4 hrs) in a "cardiac chair".  Apparently this was a chair away from her bed and sat her upright.  Her nurse said she did great during that therapy.  Her fever is continuing.  Please continue to pray for this fever.  we are hopeful that she will continue to progress daily and should be moved out of ICU in the not so distant future!

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers.  Know that you have played a HUGE part in the miracles happening in ICU and at the Rehab Hospital.

For those of you who have had trouble posting comments.  Our apologies.  We have no idea why this is happening.  If you would like to directly email us, please send a comment to  Jenn will print them off to give to Mom and Dad later.


  1. Praise the Lord on this recent posting. Such miracles Sue Hayden

  2. Had a wonderful visit with Steph today..Please know that she is praying for all of you as well..The Lord is ministering in and through her to those around her who are hurting..She,and we are entering a mission field every time we step foot in the hospital..keep up those prayers..and remember Romans 8:28!!!
    Blessings. Judi

  3. So exciting to hear the updates on Art & Steph. To hear the wonderful miracles God is doing . Going to see them tomorrow. (Friday) Can't wait. Julie Allen
    PS I love you two.
