Art and Stephanie at Father's Day

Art and Stephanie at Father's Day

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Both Mom and Dad are progressing!  Dad is hoping to be released from rehab mid week next week.  He sounded good on the phone today.  He was again able to go see mom (more on that in a moment). Please continue to pray for the healing of his leg.  He has inflammation  that can be problematic and as of yesterday was on antibiotics for that.  Pray that he would heal completely and as he transitions into regular life, all would go well.
Mom has been moved out of ICU!  Praise the Lord.  Just shy of three weeks!  God is so good to be healing her the way He is.  PLEASE DONT GO RUSH TO SEE HER!!  We know that many of you want to see her and visit, but please be very considerate of the injury she sustained on her brain.  It was pretty traumatic, and will take awhile to heal.  Her nurse, this evening, advised 1-2 HEALTHY visitors, for a 10 minute visit, then give her at least a 20 minute "rest" before someone else visits.  The time will come when she will benefit greatly from visits from all of you who love her so much, just really isn't that time.  Please continue to send cards, notes, pictures to the house and we'll make sure one of us gets it down there and read to her.
Now for her update:
She is regularly responding appropriately/correctly to the nurses with hand squeezes, nods/shakes, and mouthing words.  The nurse said she tried three different times to have mom used the speak valve, but each time seemed too overwhelming to her, so the nurse put it away for the day.  Her respiratory infection seems to have healed!  Praise the Lord!  Now for the sweet story of the day.  Dad was able to go see Mom.  The nurse said that when she saw him come into the room, her face lit up and she smiled the greatest smile she had seen from her.  Please continue to pray for her brain injury.  That in time, she would tolerate the speak valve and learn to use it well.  That she would continue to show appropriate reactions and responses to the nursing staff.  Pray that she would be guarded against all the cold and flu germs that are starting to hit.  Thank you again for all of your prayers and support.  Your prayers and continued support strengthen us so much!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

She was able to talk today!

Well we had the privileged of bringing dad over to see mom today. Dad is doing awesome (Praise the Lord) and they say that he could even be getting out this week some time.
           When we got there we were advised that we needed to put on a gown and gloves. They found the infection and I guess it was for our protection. when they did the lung scope the other day they found the reason why her white blood cells were high. Some tests came back positive and they were giving her antibiotics.
           Mom seemed to be very tired and the put the speaking valve on her when we got there and it was really a blessing to hear her talk. She was being prompted by the doctors to say hi and she said "hello" and then had the biggest smile that I have seen yet from her. I also noticed that she was moving her left hand which we haven't seen movement in for a while. The nurse said that she had held it up too earlier that day (which means that the right side of her brain, where the injury was, is starting to work).
           Another Praise the Lord is that she is going to be moved to the Nero level of the hospital as soon as there is a room. This is on the same level just down the hall from the ICU (pass the gift shop and the chapel). We will keep you updated on the room number when we get it.
           It was hard seeing my dad just sitting there looking at my mom. He is still pretty saddened by the way mom is. I could only imagine. He was crying silently (he would probably kill me if he knew i told you this). Just keep praying that he doesn't think that this is his fault or take blame for anything that has happened.
           Dad also mentioned that a few days ago as he was in speech therapy that he has some sort of concussion or can't remember things short term. They strictly told him that he couldn't drive. This could be because of all the pain meds that he is on, but they believe it is because of the accident so be praying for that.

Prayer Requests!
- Pray that mom would start talking more. It takes a lot of energy!
- Pray that the antibiotics take care of the infection and she is able to have a regular white blood count and low fever
- Pray that a bed opens up and she is able to be move to Nero Level
- Pray for more movement on right side and a complete healing on right side of brain.
- Pray for emotional healing for dad and be able to get out soon.
- Pray for wisdom on the rest of us in all areas that are needed in assisting and helping parents in the month ahead in their recovery.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday 10/25/21014

We just got back from seeing Mom and Dad as well as doing the normal errands that happen when traveling to Reno.  Dad is still on the road to recovery, which is always so good to see.  As he put it "they check off a box" everyday of the things he must be doing on his own before going home.   I guess the other day for therapy they made him push his wheel chair all by himself over to see my mom.  He said it was a workout, especially because they would not help him in anyway.  If all goes well they will release him in two weeks.  My mom continues to be alert, but seems to be frustrated with the inability to talk.  Which if you know my mom that makes a lot of sense.  Mom has been fitted with a voice speak valve from time to time but has yet to talk through it.  She has continued to communicate through nodding or shaking of the head.  She also will try and mouth words.  Mom got her staples out of her head today.  She still has a infection of some sort that they can't seem to figure out.  Her high white blood count, and minor fever tells of that.  They did take a look at her lungs today and they seem to be ok, although they did take samples from a few area of her lung for testing.

Some prayers need as I wrap up:

-Pray that God continues to heal Arthur and Stephanie
-Pray that God Will heal Stephanie of the infection, and of the Brain injuries
-Pray that God will continue to heal Arthurs ribs and left lower leg.
-Pray that God will give my mom peace as she recovers, so she will not be pulling out the feeding tubes and IVs.
-Pray that Arthur and Stephanie sons will keep our eyes on Jesus, and not take too much on.  Also wisdom for the future, and trusting in God to handle the future issues.

Thank you all for the prayers and ongoing concern for my parents and their recovery.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Morning

Just got off the phone with ICU.  Here's a quick update on Stephanie.  She had her speak valve put in yesterday.  As of yet she hasn't spoken words....but the nurse said that was normal.  She did say that if any of you visit her, ask them to help her with the valve and see if she will start saying words.  Art is scheduled to come visit her around 2pm.  Thank you for your prayers.  The other day he was concerned that he wouldn't be able to see her while he was at the rehab hospital.  God is so good to allow this visit to happen!  Stephanie continues to stay off the ventilator and they are slowly weening her off of a super high saline solution (a method they use to help with the bruising on her brain).  Once she is off of this she'll be more able to leave ICU.   She has tolerated well being in the cardiac chair, and they were planning on putting her in that shortly.  Praise the Lord that she is tolerating well sitting upright!  She does not appear to be in pain and when asked she shakes her head "No".   Please continue to pray for her fever it spiked again last night at 101.8.   Please also pray that she starts to use her left arm/hand.  There has been little response since the accident on that side.

Will get a further update on both parents tonight or tomorrow evening.  Please continue to drop in to say "Hi" to Art.  He's in the rehab hospital, room 126 (Window).  He appreciates the visits and helps pass the time.  Please continue to pray for his healing.  That his ribs heal and that he is able to take the deep breaths he needs to, to ward off infection in his lungs.  Please also pray for his leg as he heals.  Here is a picture taken at the beginning of the week with Markus' kiddos.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10/22/14 PM

Dad was moved to the Renown Rehab Hospital yesterday.  He is getting occupational and physical therapy there so he can return to his normal life.  It is atticipated that he'll be there for about two weeks.  He can be visited from 9am-8pm.  Please sign in with the front desk.  He is in room 126.  He would enjoy a visit with you.  Here is a picture from today's visit

Mom is continuing to improve.  She is more alert and trying to vocalize (but can't) more and more.  She has been off the ventilator for over 24hrs as of about 3pm today.  Tomorrow they plan to fit her with a speak valve so she can talk!!  That will be so wonderful to hear!!!  She also spent time (about 4 hrs) in a "cardiac chair".  Apparently this was a chair away from her bed and sat her upright.  Her nurse said she did great during that therapy.  Her fever is continuing.  Please continue to pray for this fever.  we are hopeful that she will continue to progress daily and should be moved out of ICU in the not so distant future!

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers.  Know that you have played a HUGE part in the miracles happening in ICU and at the Rehab Hospital.

For those of you who have had trouble posting comments.  Our apologies.  We have no idea why this is happening.  If you would like to directly email us, please send a comment to  Jenn will print them off to give to Mom and Dad later.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mom is back!

Tonight has been the most encouraging night of all nights since the accident.  Jason, Jenn, and Denise (Stephanie's brother) went to visit her.  She was awake from the time we arrived and continued to interact with us.  She would track with her eyes, who was on her right and who was on her left, wanting to see them.  She was trying to mouth words and was able to shake her head "Yes" for Yes/No questions.  She was able to answer numerous questions we asked her.  Jenn read her the cards that arrived today in the mail and she nodded "Yes" that she knew who each person was.  Her respiratory infection seems to have gotten better and her fever down to about 100 degrees.  Please keep praying that the infections leaves completely and her fevers subsides completely.  When we arrived she had been off the ventilator for about 8 1/2 hours.   The goal is to have her off of it for 12 hours and then put her back on to give her body time to rest throughout the night.  They will try another 12 hours tomorrow.  If she does that well, then they'll go for 24 hours with out the ventilator.  If she tolerates that well, and her secretion level stays good then they will hook the speak valve to her trachea so she can begin talking.  Thank you all for your continued prayers and love for our family.  We are confident that the Lord is healing her and your prayers are being heard and answered by our Heavenly Father!
Dad is doing well, too.  He had his leg unwrapped and they were letting him air it out to aid in the healing process.  He is hoping to enter Rehab tomorrow.  We are still waiting on a bed to open up.  Pray that this would happen.  We had a great conversation with him tonight.  Continue to pray for him as he heals and moves through the healing process at the hospital.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

10/19/14 PM

It's been a week since the accident and God has been so faithful in his answer of prayers and healing hand.  Dad is doing great!  As soon as a bed opens at the Renown Rehabilitation, they'll move him over.  They are hopeful that will be tomorrow.  He is healing and able to get around more and more.  He has enjoyed the visits from those who have been able to stop by.

Here is a picture we took today of 6 of the 13 grandkids with Dad.

Mom is a miracle before our eyes.  Today was such a huge improvement.  She opened her eyes, made movements with her mouth as though she wanted to say something.  She acknowledged our presence and looks better and better each day.  Please pray for her lungs.  They are concerned about a respiratory infection that is causing a fever in her.  God has done so much in her, thus far, we are confident he can heal this infection.  Please pray.  We are still waiting for her to wake up.  It is a time thing and she'll wake when her brain is ready.  Her nurses are happy to see her continual progress.  Thank you to all who have sent cards to the home or brought them by the shop.  We have read them to her and taped them to her wall.  We go down every other day or so, and are happy to take messages and notes from friends.  We are so thankful for your continued support and prayers.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

10/16/14 pm

Praise the Lord for another day of answered prayer!  Art was able to get up and walk a small bit in the hall with a walker.  His nurse is hopeful that he'll be moving on to rehab soon!  Stephanie pulled through her surgery like a champ!  They were successful both with her leg and pelvic injuries.  As of now all of her injuries are "fixed", so to say, and she can heal up.  To my knowledge she does not have another surgery scheduled yet. Her nurse was encouraged by her stable vitals.  She had a slight fever last night, and through prayer and the healing touch of our Lord this afternoon she was back to a normal temp.  As you know, one of her greatest risks to getting well, is infection setting we are so thankful that her temp went away.  Once again no real improvement, but at the same time no decline!  Please continue to pray.  Specifically for the healing from today's surgerys and the healing in her brain.
Our God is a God who hears, answers, and heals.  For this we rejoice!

Pray for surgery

Stephanie will be going in for another surgery on her leg at 10 this morning, (Thurs).  Please keep her in your prayers.  She faired her first surgery (on Tues) well and remained stable.  Pray that she would be stable and the doctors would have wisdom on how to treat her pelvis (there was question yesterday if they would operate or just let it heal).  Pray that infection would not set in.  Pray that she would continue to heal.

A further update will come later today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10/14/14 PM

Day three down!  Each day seems to get "easier" and we are incredibly thankful to the nursing staff in both areas where Dad and Mom are.  They have been so helpful.  Each day they each improve enough that is evident to us kids.  Dad tonight was definitely feeling better and in less pain.  His ribs still give him discomfort and of course this makes it hard for him to take deep breaths.  Keep praying for this.  His leg seems to be healing.  It was nice to have a conversation with him and even hear him laugh a couple of times.  God is so good!
Mom looks better and better each day.  She is still very sick, but improving.  We are thankful every day that we don't have setbacks in her status to deal with.  She came through her leg surgery this morning fine.  Her vitals stayed stable and the doctors are hoping she can remain stable so they can do repairs to her pelvis on Thursday.  Please pray for this.  If she can have that surgery they said it would be a HUGE accomplishment in her recovery.  She is still asleep, but will wake when her brain is ready to.  Right now it is healing.  There have been flutters in her eyes, direct motions with her hands to get attention of family visiting and she even opened her right eye today a couple of times at her nurse.  It is unknown if it was a direct action or involuntary.  We are just so thankful each day we get to see her and she looks better and better.
They both just need healing.  Please continue to hold off seeing Mom.  She really can not risk any sort of infection and needs to rest and heal.  Dad is tired, but the visits seem to help him pass the days.  Please be courteous of his pain and need for rest as well.  We have left journals in each of their rooms for you to jot a note or a description of your visit (particularly for Mom, as she won't remember any of this).  Please write in them.  They can be a letter, and phrase, a verse, a poem.  Whatever you feel lead to write.  They will enjoy having these as they face the recovery road ahead.

On the home front, we have set up Judy Hall (530-993-1877) as the contact for our (Jason and Jenn) family for help.  We are starting to see we need it!  Immediately Jenn needs someone to come over and just put everything in order in Mom and Dad's house (they moved in under us into the apartment at the beginning of September).  Simple things like wash a few dishes.  Clean out the fridge and freezer and then turn it off, fold laundry in the dryer, and wash their linens in the bathroom and bedroom.  They won't be here for awhile, and some of these things should be done sooner than later.   It is a simple thing that would really help out.  If you can help out in this way, please give Judy a call.  As other needs arise, we will let you all know.

Our family can not thank you all enough for  your love and support.  Thank you for your continued prayers, emails, calls, and texts.  It is such a comfort to be reminded that we are not going through this alone but with a very supportive community (Truckee and beyond) behind us.

Verse for the day (borrowed from my two youngest school copy work for the day)
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love  and of a sound mind." 2 Tim 2:7

Visiting Information

Many of you have asked which hospital they are in.  They are both at Renown in Reno, NV.  If you are wanting to visit and are well, Art is in Room 406 in the Tahoe Tower.  He is taking visitors but still in a lot of pain and tired.  Please be courteous to this.  He would love to see his family and friends, though.
Due to Stephanie's condition and extent of her injuries, please wait a bit to see her.  Right now she needs your love and support and PRAYERS more than anything.  If you would like to send your love via a card or note.  I'll take it down next time I go.  Please drop cards or notes off at our home or mail them to, 11260 Alder Drive, Truckee  CA 96161, or you can send them with either Arthur or Markus (they are there daily as well).

Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/14 pm

I (Jenn) went down today to see Art and Steph this afternoon.  Art is getting better and the biggest goal right now is to get him up, out of his bed and into a wheelchair.  This will enable him to go see his wife AND will be HUGE in helping his injuries recover without any setbacks.  Steph is maintaining.  That is HUGE!! Day three and we haven't been told any declines.  She continues to improve in color.  Please pray for her as she goes in tomorrow for a second surgery on her injured leg.  With her status so critical it is important that she is covered in prayer.  
Our family is so thankful for everyone who has stopped by to say hello.  We know it means the world to them to see their friends and family.  Please be very cautious about visiting if you have been ill or around ill people.   In the next few days I'll be getting a "Guest Log" to put in each of their rooms, so you can write a note to them.  Stephanie is going to want to read about each person who came to see her.  Of course you can also sign the guest book on this blog.  When they are ready, I'll print the entries off to have them read.
Thank you again for your continued prayers and support.


Hello Friends and Family.  We have been trying to figure a way that is best to communicate prayer needs and updates as they come in for Art and Stephanie.   Since not everyone uses FaceBook, perhaps this will be a better way for anyone wanting to keep up with their progress and ongoing prayer needs.  I (Jenn, daughter in law) will start doing the posts.  Other family members will probably also share posts on this site as time goes on.

I can't even begin to express our thankfulness to all of you who have sent words of prayer and support already or have been by to see them.  This is an incredibly hard time, but having you all supporting makes it easier.  We are confident that our Lord is a healing God!  We are confident that he has His beautiful plan written all over this story and that He WILL be magnified through this event.
If you are not in the area but would like to send a card or a poster we can hang (by tape) in either of their rooms, please send it to me:

Jenn Lopez
11260 Alder Dr, Truckee CA 96161

When Steph wakes up I would love for her to be surrounded by what she loves most.....YOU ALL!!

An update on their status this AM will come later today.